Students and Staff Celebrate Kind Kids and Super Staff Members
Courtesy and Kindness Week
We celebrated Courtesy and Kindness Week by recognizing a Kind Kid and Super Staff Member each day. In no particular order, we present our Kind Kids of the Day:
Sydney K. nominated fellow third grader, Lawson T. Sydney relayed a story about a day when she wanted to play soccer and asked if she could share a ball with Lawson. Instead, Lawson gave the girls the soccer ball. Sydney said, "He warmed me and my friends' hearts!" Thank you, Lawson! Way to go!
Ms. Kate nominated Viktor S. who is in Mrs. Dykstra's first grade class. She said that Viktor is generous and offers to share. Thank you, Viktor!
George L. was nominated by fellow third grader Brooke S. Brooke told us that one day she was feeling a little lost at recess. George saw her being lonely and invited her to play Four Square. Thanks for making all Firebirds feel welcome, George!
Teagan P. was nominated by classmate Avrose G. who said, "Teagan is always being nice, she helps if you need help. She is kind, plays with anybody that is at the buddy bench. She uses her manners at lunch and in the classroom and outside." Teagan is a ray of sunshine at Flint Hill!
Addy B. nominated her classmate Logan S. because he helps her with things and stands up for her when she is sad. "He is a really good kid." Keep up the great work, Logan! It is always the right thing to stand up for friends!
March 27, 2023
This week we celebrate TWO Kind Kids! First up is Mrs. Grimes' first grader, Bradley N.
Ms. Dena and Miss Kate said, "Bradley is always courteous and respectful. He greets us with a, "Hi Ms. Dena!" or "Hi Miss Kate!" every time he sees us. He is welcoming and wishes us a good day with his wonderful smile. He is a kind young man and a joy to be around." Bradley is a new Firebird this year and we are so thrilled he joined our flock!
Our second Kind Kid this week is Mrs. Hughes' third grader Max M. Ms. Bahan, Assistant Principal, nominated Max because, "Max has been so helpful with a new Firebird who is adjusting to a new school AND a new country. Max makes sure the student understand expectations and he helped the new Firebird learn how to navigate the building. When Max stays after school for a club, he alerts staff members to keep an extra eye out for our new friend. Max is kind, helpful, and caring to all and is certainly worthy of the title 'Kind Kid'". Way to go, Max! You make all of the Firebrids proud!
March 13, 2023
Max D., a fourth grade student from Mrs. Mueller's class was nominated to be a Kind Kid of the Week by his classmate, Lorelei R. Lorelei said, Max was playing a game called 'trash'. I asked if I could play and he taught me how to play. When I lost the game he said, "Awe, you lost" in a way that he was sorry he won. Then I won and he was so excited and said, "Yah! You won! You're so good at this game!" Then, he went to Mrs. Mueller and said, "Lorelei won her first game of 'trash'!" That is why I picked him for Kind Kid of the Week!" Thanks, Lorelei, for nominating such a fine Firebird! It's great to see our students learning from one another, whether it is a new math skill or a new indoor recess game.
March 6, 2023
We have another fourth grade Kind Kid of the Week, Decklyn J., from Mrs. Mueller's class, nominated by Mrs. Wiant. She said, "Decklyn has incredible manners in and out of school! He recently held a door open for me without realizing he knew me, at a place outside of school. He truly is a Kind Kid and represents FHE well! So proud of this Firebird!" Congratulations to Decklyn! Well-deserved!
February 27, 2023
Logan R. was nominated by her classmate and fellow fourth grader, Lorelei R. who said this about Logan. "She's always so kind. She always sticks up for people. She's always honest. She's a good friend. She has all the qualities of a good friend. She never talks bad about people behind their back. She always does what's right. She'll always make a compromise if we don't want to do the same things. That is why I picked Logan to be the Kind Kid of the Week." Wouldn't it be great if we could all have a friend like Logan?
February 20, 2023
Ms. Cannon, a paraprofessional and parent at FHE, nominated Isaiah from Mrs. Mueller's fourth grade class. Ms. Cannon shared an experience from our Family Bingo Night to illustrate why Isaiah is a Kind Kid. "During Bingo Night, Isaiah was sitting at my table. My son really wanted to win to get a stuffed bear. When he thought someone else was going to get it, my son started getting upset. Isaiah ended up winning soon after and used his choice to get the bear for my son. He also greets me with a huge smile and hug. Thanks, Isaiah!"
February 13, 2023
Marlee, a fourth grade student from Mrs. Eusterbrock's class, was nominated by her friend Mia, a fellow fourth grader. Mia's nomination said, "Marlee stood up for me when someone was being mean. She is kind, helpful, and caring for people. Her actions made me feel included." Thank you for making others feel included, Marlee!
January 30, 2023
Logan R., a fourth grader in Mrs. Mueller's class, nominated her friend Lorelei R. as this week's Kind Kid. Logan said, "Whenever I forget my lunchbox, Lorelei always volunteers to bring it down to me. She also always invites me to join the game she is playing. This is why Lorelei should be the Kind Kid of the Week." We couldn't agree more, Logan. Lorelei is definitely a Kind Kid!
January 23, 2023
Fifth grade student Gage Frauenfelder was nominated by his teacher, Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Reed said, "Gage is always smiling and ready to cheer on his friends and even his teachers! He constantly gives compliments and helps others when they are needing a kind word of encouragement!" We couldn't agree more, Mrs. Reed! Gage is an excellent example of a "kind kid". He checks in on others and is always quick to wish others well. Thank you, Gage, for being such a friendly Firebird!
January 16, 2023
We have another fourth grade student who was nominated to be our Kind Kid of the Week by one of her peers. Alycia A. said about winner Audrey A., "Audrey was the first person to come up to me and say, 'Do you want to be my friend?' on the first day of kindergarten. She's always open to everyone, includes everyone, and checks if everyone is feeling down." Audrey is truly a great example of a kind, caring Firebird!
Alycia A., a fourth grader in Mrs. Mueller's class, was nominated by a fellow classmate, Kennedi F. who said, "Alycia is always kind-hearted to me and other people. She always makes me put a smile on my face even if I am sad. Alycia is so amazing, not just to me, but other people too. That is why Alycia is a Kind Kid." Thanks, Kennedi for recognizing an awesome Firebird! Alycia, keep up the great work!
Laurel T. was nominated by Mrs. Wrigley. Here is what she had to say about Laurel: "Laurel went out of her way to help another student. The student had dropped a bunch of cards out of a folder, unknowingly. She picked up the cards and handed them back to the student. Other students were commenting on the drop, but Laurel took action! Way to go Laurel!"
Third grader Hailey S. was nominated by her classmate, Olive L. Olive said, "Hailey is a great friend. She offers to help me every day. If I don't have a book, she shares one with me. If anyone is sad or upset, she always asks if they are ok." We agree, Olive! Hailey is definitely a Kind Kid!
First grader Abigail L. was nominated to be recognized as a Kind Kid of the Week by Mrs. Hodapp. Mrs. Hodapp said, "Abby always has a smile on her face. She genuinely cares about peers and teachers and asks how our day is. In particularly challenging moments, Abby reminds peers and teachers to 'take a deep breath'. She is such a kind, friendly student who makes others smile!" Thank you, Abby! Keep it up!
Kaitlyn W., a fourth-grade student from Mrs. Mueller's class, was nominated by a classmate to be a Kind Kid of the Week because she helped a second grader who was having some difficulties. Thank you, Kaitlyn!
Kindergarten student Emmalyn B. was nominated by Mrs. Weymouth and Ms. Kate who said, "Emmalyn has such a kind heart. She is always eager to help a friend when they are hurt or upset. When she sees a classmate alone at recess she goes to them and asks to play. We are so proud of you!"
Kennedy S., a fifth-grade student, was nominated by her classroom teacher, Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Reed said, "She always has a smile on her face, asks how others are, works hard, and does the right thing. She does what is right and good even when nobody is watching!"

March 27, 2023
Mrs. Bennett, one of our Speech and Language Pathologists was nominated by fifth grade student, Jacob S. Jacob said, "Mrs. Bennett never gives up, no matter what. She likes parties and being kind. She also stands up for bullying." Thanks, Jacob! We think Mrs. Bennett's pretty great!
March 27, 2023
Principal Redding was nominated by fourth grade student Laney S. who said, "Mrs. Redding is always looking out for students and if something is not right, she would fix it. She is always looking out for others." Thank you, Laney, for taking the time to make a nomination.
February 27, 2023
Mrs. Wrigley, our school counselor, nominated our Technology teacher, Ms. Grau. She said, "Ms. Grau goes above and beyond on a daily basis, but she has really outdone herself, ensuring ALL students have equal and appropriate access to the tools they need to be successful in Tech. She is currently customizing assignments and tools for the students. Ms. Grau is AMAZING!" We agree, Mrs. Wrigley, and we couldn't have said it any better ourselves. Thank you, Ms. Grau, for helping FHE students and teachers alike.
February 13, 2023
Mrs. Hamilton was nominated for a second time this year! This time, second grader Teagan P. had this to say about Mrs. Hamilton, "When someone walks into the nurse, Mrs. Hamilton will check on them (to see) if they are ok and she will ask, 'What is the problem?' and get them all fixed up." Mrs. Hamilton is so helpful and we are glad she is a Firebird!
January 30, 2023
Decklyn J. a fourth grader in Mrs. Mueller's class nominated Mr. Scott as our Super Staff of the Week because "Mr. Scott is super nice to others. He always never stops cleaning and will help many messes and deserves great appreciation." This is a most-deserving nomination. Mr. Scott keeps our school running and we are so grateful he is a Firebird. Thank you, Decklyn, for the nomination, and THANK YOU, Mr. Scott, for all you do!
January 23, 2023
Mrs. Eusterbrock, a fourth grade teacher, was nominated twice this week! Bella L. and Marlee M. said, "Mrs. Eusterbrock is always kind and when a student needs help, she will make sure the student understands the question. When she has recess duty, she is always making games fair and sometimes even joins in." James F.'s nomination says, "Mrs. Eusterbrock makes Math, Reading, Writing, etc. fun to learn. Whenever I have a question, she breaks it down and makes it easier to understand." Sounds like you have a big fan club, Mrs. Eusterbrock- count us as members too!
January 16, 2023
Nurse Teresa was nominated again for being a Super Staff member, this time by Lorelei who is in Mrs. Mueller's fourth grade class. Lorelei said, "Nurse Teresa risks getting sick to help us when we are feeling sick. She helps us when we fall and scrape a knee. She's really nice and likes to talk to you about stuff. She asks, 'Are you okay?' That's why I nominated her for SUPER staff of the week." Thanks, Lorelei! We agree that Nurse Teresa is one in a million!
Did you know that Nurse Teresa keeps the students AND the adults in the building healthy? Mrs. Wiant nominated her to be the Super Staff of the Week because, "She helped me take care of the bandages that fell off a wound. Thank you for helping me keep it clean and safe. You take such good care of ALL Firebirds."
Mrs. Hamilton was nominated by Mrs. Stutz. Here is what she had to say about her: " One Monday, Oct. 17, I was the only one in the office that day and Rochelle came in so I could go to lunch. She came to the office to help out with dismissal. Rochelle has helped and gone above and beyond to help me out anytime." Thank you Ms. Hamilton for always being there!

Mrs. Tesdall, one of our fourth grade teachers, was nominated by one of her students, Landen G., to be the Super Staff of the Week. Landen said, "Whenever something happens she always brings out the laugh in the people whether she is in Flint HIll or not. She is a great person, in general. Thank you for being my teacher, role model, and a great person!" We could all use more laughs in our lives and we are grateful to have Mrs. Tesdall as part of our staff and grateful for students like Landen who take their time to nominate staff members.
Recess clerk Mrs. Radi was nominated by Bella L. in Mrs. Eusterbrock's fourth grade class. Bella said, "Mrs. Radi is always trying to help. She says hi and bye after recess. Mrs. Radi is also playing fair and friendly. She always uses kind words and when there is conflict between another student she is always happy to help."
Fourth-grade student Kaitlyn W. nominated recess/office clerk Mrs. Quinlan as a Super Staff member. Kaitlyn said, "I nominated Mrs. Quinlan because she is always so nice to me and is caring for others. When somebody fell out of their chair she helps, when somebody was not feeling good, she helps. She is super nice at recess and is super fair. That is why I nominated Mrs. Quinlan."
January 13, 2023
Mrs. Quinlan was nominated again by fourth grade student Liam R. Liam said, "Mrs. Quinlan is SUPER nice and when I have a problem she understands. Also, I am parent pick-up, she smiles at me before I leave the building." Thanks, Liam, for taking the time to nominate Mrs. Quinlan
Mrs. Ross nominated our copy clerk, Ms. Brockel, as a Super Staff member. "Ms. Brockel is one fo the first staff members our students see in the morning. She is upbeat and welcoming while promoting a fun and positive learning environment at Flint Hill. She is so supportive of our students and staff. Every school needs someone like Ms. Brockel!"
Mrs. Kersting was nominated by Mrs. Bennett as a super staff member. Mrs. Bennett said, "Mrs. Kersting is such a wonderful person to work with at Flint Hill! She is always flexible and willing to help any student/staff member that needs her. Mrs. Kersting makes all of her students feel special and cared for. She brings her own sunshine into all of the classrooms she works in. Her laugh can make anyone's day! We appreciate you, Mrs. Kersting!"